Tuesday, September 7, 2010

RPGs and me

So being married to whom I am married and having two boys I have accepted and am even excited about the fact that video games will be an inevitable part of my experience over the next couple of decades, bare minimum. However I find it incredibly frustrating that skills in some games do not carry over into others. For example, I play a mean game of Mario Kart, I will put a hurt on you like you have not felt in a long time. I am also a pretty good "player 2" when it comes to games like Mario Galaxy, I can be observant and have great response time (same skills that help in the driving games) so my husband and I are a pretty formidable team when it comes to some of those RPGs. Then today we get the Lego Star Wars for the Wii and I have not been so frustrated by a game ever. The controls make no sense, there is no explanation of what in the world you're supposed to be doing, what the goals are, where to go...ack! Even my kids finally said, "Mom, we're done with this." Now I'm sure that as time goes on we'll learn more about the game and how to play it but it surprised me how bothered I was by not intuitively taking to the game. I see this pattern in other areas of my life as well, I hesitate to try things that I don't think I will excel at and I'm likely to quit if the going gets tough. I don't particularly like this about myself and I'm working on it but it's been thrown in my face recently with my oldest starting kindergarten. Suddenly I see her fighting against learning new skills, becoming easily frustrated when things don't come easily, and wanting to quit when the going gets tough. My husband says that I have not set an example for her in that, that I try to control myself and at least attempt to project the attitude of "if at first..." but I wonder. I wonder how this will effect her school experience not to mention life and I wonder what I will learn about myself by watching her.

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