Friday, June 22, 2012

It's a bird!? It's a plane!? It's...Icarus?

Today is the second official day of the summer and for my middle son, it's already a summer filled with freedom. In a short matter of two weeks my four-and-a-half-year-old superstar has learned to ride his two-wheeler, swim, and has started to learn to read. He's pretty convinced he's ready to move out tomorrow because, really, what more could he possibly need to learn to be a success in life? Wow, do I love him. As I watch his skill sets increase, and his sense of invincibility right along with it, I have to laugh at my own Icarus like temptations to push beyond the natural limitations physics give an experience - because I want the high that comes with showing off.

In my adult life, most of my showing off has happened at church. Somebody shows some appreciation for a talent and bam! I'm in that ministry "serving." Or I learn something at school, have some epiphany while studying the Word, and bam! I want to teach the next series, you know, because I'm so wise, and deep, and clever with my words. {Proverbs 18:2 - A fool does not delight in understanding, But only in revealing his own mind...snap.} This temptation to flaunt our spiritual feathers seems to be a pretty common experience, to varying degrees, amongst most adult Christians I know. We rush so quickly to share knowledge and display talents, desiring loving smiles and applause. How often do we look for the encouragement to come from our fellow children? Wanting them to appreciate our newfound abilities and affirm that those abilities are, in fact, every bit as cool as we feel when doing them?

How quickly that hunt for praise turns to discouragement and a sense of being deflated. Only a parent, not another kid, cheers every time the child experiences success. Only a parent notices nuanced improvements in form. Only a parent is able to see the inner growth of confidence manifest in the subtle smile on the face they know by heart. Only a parent can truly appreciate the magnificent balance of the inner and outer person growing at the same time.

What a patient Parent we have! When we desire to use a given (as in a gift) skill, to push it, despite our lack of mastery, our Parent still cheers. God reaches out to lift the chin out of the water and remind us to breathe. Grasps our reaching fingers when we've over-estimated the distance we're capable of. Wipes away tears and blood when we lose our balance and get road rash from going too fast. Smiles and explains patiently when we read the wrong word or don't understand what it is we've sounded out. I am amazed and humbled by God's "never-stopping-never-breaking-always-and-forever love" (The Jesus Storybook Bible - read it.). That God would look on me and smile. That I would be encouraged to keep going, even when I have made an absolute mess of things, that I would be fully known and loved in every nook and cranny, is overwhelming.

Lamentations 3:21-23 - This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. The LORD's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness!

Jesus Storybook Bible

1 comment:

  1. God is overwhelming! Love it. Thanks for the Scripture booster. Keep writing! :)
